Das Stapelhaus in Köln, mit seinem großzügigen Ausstellungsraum, befindet sich an historischer Stelle direkt am Rhein zwischen der Uferpromenade und den Altstadtgassen. Die raumbezogene, temporäre Installation thematisiert...
High water
Temporary space installation thematises the recurring high water level of the Rhine. The Stapelhaus in Cologne, with its spacious space, is situated in…
…a historic location directly on the Rhine between the riverside promenade and the streets of the historic city centre. In the exhibition space, the space-related, temporary installation thematises the visual relationship to the river and the awareness of the almost annual threat of flooding. The ideal support for the spatial work is the wall disc, which is oriented parallel to the Rhine side along the window front and has a direct reference to the water. The water wall, which is strongly and firmly positioned in the room, demonstrates its massive power through its size and height. The lines, on the other hand, represent a light, gentle dynamic with their minimal undulation. White lines divide the pane horizontally and play out the length of the wall calmly and broadly. The different distances between the lines become denser in the centre section of the wall and the eye begins to jump. The result is an irritating physicality. The upper end of the mural is formed by a gently swinging, calm movement. The calm surface of the water contrasts with the massive high water level, which is far above the viewer's head height. The fascination of the calm course of the river and the water power of a flood are thus equally expressed in the work "Hochwasser". Realisation 2009
Regina Kochs VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
Production by the artist
Photos: © Regina Kochs