Die Universität ist ein Ort der Lehre, des Lernens, des Forschens. In allen Studienbereichen suchen sich die Studierenden und jede Lehrkraft eigene Studienschwerpunkte, eigene Ziele und individuelle Wege innerhalb des Campus. Das Suchen und Finden nach dem eigenen „Roten Faden“ im Studium und...
red thread
Searching and finding in study and science becomes visible from afar as a striking, sculptural sign. The university is a place of teaching, learning and research. In all fields of study, students and every teacher seek their own focus of study, their own goals and individual paths within the campus. The search for and finding of one's own "red thread" in studies and...
...in science is artistically expressed as a widely visible sign at the entrance to the campus. A red line is laid across the existing steel girder construction, drawing a free-hanging movement. With its red signal colour, the sculpture marks the "gateway to the campus", supports the long-distance effect of the entrance situation and leads with the change of direction from the city into the campus. In form and colour, it stands out from the strict context of the construction. The apparent lightness of the sculpture with its up and down movements and simultaneous metal-heavy stability creates a powerful tension that also picks up on the aspect of the changes of ups and downs during a course of study. Design 2016
© Regina Kochs VG Bild - Kunst, Bonn 2016