Der wertvolle Schatz der Nibelungen geht unter, ist unwiderruflich verloren. Im Hagendenkmal ist der Moment des Wurfes eingefroren – Hagen wirft den Schatz in den Rhein. Die Installation „Goldschatz“ nimmt direkten Bezug und visualisiert...
treasure of gold
The treasure of the Nibelungs sinks into the Rhine: a sculpture floating in the water with an LED light strip. The precious treasure sinks, irrevocably lost. The moment of...
... the throw is frozen in the Hagen monument - Hagen throws the treasure into the Rhine. The "Gold Treasure" installation makes direct reference to and visualises the following moment of the story: the sinking of the treasure. The art installation stylises the treasure into an oversized golden shield. In and above the water, seemingly slipping away, the artwork captures the moment of sinking, the transience. On the one hand, the artwork physically reflects the sunlight; on the other, it stands for a reflection on material riches in today's world. Analogue to the flat shield that Hagen wears over his shoulder, a clear, simple form was chosen for the installation. The sloping, slightly bulbous oval with a flat top emphasises a slipping direction. The slanted position of the disc additionally supports the dynamics of the situation. The sculpture is constructed like a buoy and anchored in the river bed. Gold is an expression of wealth and splendour. The dimensions and the gold-coloured, high-gloss surface have been chosen to reflect this connotation. By day, the light-coloured surface is visible from afar and stands out from its surroundings. It reflects the sunlight in different directions, depending on the direction of rotation of the floating sculpture. At night, a circumferential LED strip light traces the contours of the oval. Design 2021
Regina Kochs VG Bild - Kunst, Bonn 2021