Direkt am Rhein liegt die Jugendherberge Leutesdorf. Horizontal fließt der Rhein als breiter Strom und darüber erhebt sich die Skulptur “Lagerfeuer” vertikal in die Höhe. Farbig und feurig markiert die künstlerische Arbeit den Ort. „Jugendherbergen verbinden und...
Leutesdorf Youth Hostel is located directly on the Rhine. The Rhine flows horizontally as a wide river and the sculpture "Campfire" rises vertically above it. Colourful and fiery, the artistic work marks the location. "Youth hostels connect and...
...create community" was the title of the competition. The campfire symbolises community: sitting around the warming fire in the evening, singing together, telling stories, experiencing silence. This is where different people come together. Round steel tubes of different lengths and curves form the shape of the campfire. They arise from the given location, the parapet of the outdoor lift system. This is the given location in the competition. The lines of fire converge above the air space to be left free, connect and cross over each other and widen out again towards the sky. The steel lines already represent a unifying community in themselves. In addition, the colours of the fire are picked up in bright shades of yellow, orange and red. In the dark, lighting from below emphasises the image of the fire. With the "Campfire" sculpture, the spatial situation between the old monastery wall and the main entrance gains a clear marker and an attractive, vertical eye-catcher that is visible far beyond the Rhine Valley. Realisation 2015
© Regina Kochs VG Bild - Kunst
Metal construction: Rewesta, Düren
Photos: © Regina Kochs