Das Hagener Museum vergibt wiederkehrend einen Kulturpreis zur Erinnerung an Karl Ernst Osthaus. Mit der Idee „Umfassung“ ist ein durchgehend dominantes und homogenes Element in die Halle gebracht, das der Heterogenität des Raumes…
The Hagen Museum awards a recurring cultural prize in memory of Karl Ernst Osthaus. The idea of "enclosure" brings a consistently dominant and homogeneous element into the hall, which counters the heterogeneity of ...
...the space with a focussed concentration. The result is a spatial atmosphere in which tranquillity and movement find a place in equal measure. The expansive design responds to the heterogeneous architecture of the 1970s. The surrounding structure summarises the different wall heights, low and high room zones, openings at different heights and uneven room lighting. The painting consists of a clear, simple element, a single soft form is used repeatedly. And only one bright shade of red determines the colour scheme. The very simple structure is at the same time extremely animated and lively: It spreads fluidly across the entire wall development, ties the room together like a ribbon and enters into dialogue with openings and wall projections through proximity or distance. The hall wall itself is the carrier of the artwork. At the same time, the room itself remains empty, the floor remains undisturbed as a free, resting surface and the expanse of the room is preserved. In addition, the stamp-supported painting creates slight, lively light reflections through the use of lacquer colour. Overall, this creates the desired "moving calm" and a concentration towards the centre of the room. Design 2005
© Regina Kochs VG Bild - Kunst, Bonn 2005